Bermuda, we are here for you as we know you too are here for us.
Dear Bermuda,
Today, and always, we mourn alongside our island after the recent losses of loved-ones and friends. We join you in sadness and devastation, seeking an end to this pandemic and hope to mend each broken heart. To each affected family and community, we send our deepest sympathy and condolences.
In the midst of this dark crisis, it is our desire that you will find a level of comfort and peace in knowing that in your grief you are not alone. We remain in this together.
While the Health Council continues to provide vital contributions to the response of COVID across the island, we know that so much more still needs to be done. And while the work must continue, we too have experienced the depth of tragedy. Amidst the pain that we all continue to endure, let us be reminded of stories of hope and continue to see the value in community.
Let’s continue to share our support with one another and remind ourselves that we can get through this tragic time, together.
We are here for you as we know you too are here for us, Bermuda.
In Hope and Unity,
The Bermuda Health Council Team